Russia in the global world № 26
Year: 2023 Volume: 26 Issue: 1
Pages: 172
138 6357

Prospects for the Development of Environmental Cooperation Far East and Countries of Asia Pacific Region

  • 16
  • 574
  • Pages: 7-19

Analysis of China-Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation

  • 11
  • 587
  • Pages: 20-30

Russian-Azerbaijani Relations as an Example of Multilateral Cooperation

  • 16
  • 551
  • Pages: 31-40

India's South China Sea Policy Actions: Adjustment and Transformation

  • 6
  • 494
  • Pages: 41-50

The “Zero-COVID” Policy of the People's Republic of China in the Discourse of Chinese and Western Media

Society and Politics
  • 5
  • 480
  • Pages: 51-66

The Role of the Collection of Quotes "Thoughts of Mao Zedong" in China's Foreign Policy

Society and Politics
  • 3
  • 467
  • Pages: 67-82

Suggestions for Countermeasures to Promote the Construction of a "Belt and Road" Foreign Exchange Centre in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region

Society and Politics
  • 6
  • 525
  • Pages: 83-95

Actio in Distans: South American Studies in Russian Archaeology. Part I

States, Nations and Cultures
  • 13
  • 493
  • Pages: 96-117

Dacha Area of the Coast of the Gulf of Finland as a Space of Cross-Cultural Relationship (1899–1914)

States, Nations and Cultures
  • 11
  • 472
  • Pages: 118-135

The Individual and History in Novels about Turning Eras (G. Sand, I. Turgenev, R.N. Güntekin)

States, Nations and Cultures
  • 7
  • 623
  • Pages: 136-146

Eye Tracking as a Tool to Investigate Recognition of Historical Personalities by Different Age Groups

States, Nations and Cultures
  • 10
  • 557
  • Pages: 147-158

Opportunities and Challenges in Malaysia's Economic and Trade Field in the Context of the Modern Eastern European Conflict

Eurasion Integration
  • 7
  • 534
  • Pages: 159-167