Prospects for the Development of Environmental Cooperation Far East and Countries of Asia Pacific Region


Due to the international situation and the sanctions imposed by European and Western countries, Russia found itself in partial isolation, since many environmental projects were suspended, respectively, the development of environmental cooperation partially lost its potential. But adapting to the international situation, Russia has begun to actively cooperate with its Asian and Middle Eastern neighbors, which, indeed, can serve as the beginning of a new page in the Russian history of international environmental cooperation. Of course, the loss of support from European countries, which are the most competent in solving environmental problems, will adversely affect the state of the Russian environment. But here Russia, especially the Far East, has a chance to expand cooperation with its Asian neighbors and the opportunity to find the most effective ways to resolve environmental issues. The proposed publication is devoted to international environmental cooperation between the Russian Far East and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region on the example of China and Japan. The article reflects the current points of contact between the parties in the environmental sphere, their importance is assessed. The genesis of the environmental cooperation of the Far East with China and Japan is also traced. The nature of the countries' policies on this issue is assessed. In addition, the most important areas of interaction between the parties for the resolution of environmental problems are determined. After reviewing the main state documents, official websites of projects and events, the authors conclude that in the environmental sphere, the Russian Far East mainly cooperates with countries such as China and Japan. The article emphasizes that countries are aware of the interdependence in this area and its importance. Negotiations and agreements are being concluded with the rest of the Asia-Pacific countries less effectively. The authors assess the effectiveness of the international environmental cooperation of the Russian Far East satisfactorily, since active work on the implementation of international plans, projects and events is demonstrated. But the authors are convinced that this cooperation has exhausted only a small part of its potential. It is also important that international cooperation is not conducted in all regions of the Far Eastern district: in reports on the environmental situation in most regions, ministries do not cover international activities. The article emphasizes the effectiveness and prospects of further cooperation between the Far East and the Asia-Pacific countries.