Submission process

Submission of the article
1) Submission of all materials is carried out in electronic form through the electronic editorial office. After registration in the electronic editorial system, the personal profile of the author is automatically generated, then you need to download the article through the "My Articles" menu. Then all interaction with both the editor and the reviewer takes place through the Electronic Editorial Office. To the attention of authors with co-authors: the registration form is filled out by the main contact author; the remaining authors are indicated by a special list in a separate window.
2) Before submitting an article, it should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations on structure and content and appropriately designed.

Review of materials
1) Consideration of materials, two-way interaction with the reviewer is carried out only through the electronic editorial office.
2) The editorial board checks all articles for originality using the Anti-Plagiarism software.
3) If the article does not meet the requirements of the journal, the subject of the journal, or if the fact of plagiarism is detected, the article is rejected before being reviewed. In this case, the author must be given a reasoned refusal.
4) The editorial board provides review of all scientific articles accepted for consideration. The review is carried out by members of the editorial board or invited reviewers. The review is one-sided blind, i.e. the author does not know the reviewer.
5) Upon receipt of a negative review of an article, its further consideration is not carried out.
6) Based on the results of the review and coordination of the issues with the author, the materials are submitted for consideration to the editorial board, at which the content of the current issue of the journal is finally approved, after which the editorial board notifies the author about the number and timing of publication of his article.
7) If a significant number of articles are received by the editorial office, their admission to the next issue may end prematurely.
Accompanying documents

In addition to the article, the author must sign a license agreement. The document can be provided after the acceptance of the article for publication.