Russia in the global world № 25 (48)
Year: 2022 Issue: 25
Pages: 190
145 6853

Relations Between Russia and China in the 1990s

  • 15
  • 663
  • Pages: 7-22

The Image of the Arctic in Modern Russian Mass Media

  • 18
  • 679
  • Pages: 23-41

Formation and Development of Russian-Azerbaijani Cultural Ties: 1992‒2022

  • 7
  • 548
  • Pages: 42-52

Open Voter Lists as a Guarantee of Equal Suffrage and Non-Distortion of Election Results: Experience of CIS Member States

Society and Politics
  • 9
  • 757
  • Pages: 53-72

Role of the UN in Anti-Trafficking with Children

Society and Politics
  • 13
  • 734
  • Pages: 73-90

The Role of Confucianism in the Domestic Politics of Modern China

Society and Politics
  • 8
  • 611
  • Pages: 91-106

Experience of Kazakhstan & Russian Scientific Cooperation in the Field of Archeology and Cultural Heritage Preservation

Eurasion Integration
  • 12
  • 554
  • Pages: 107-122

Regional Cooperation Between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China (on the Example of Hainan Province Before the Covid Crisis of 2019)

Eurasion Integration
  • 5
  • 495
  • Pages: 123-134

Organizational Structure of Tourism Management in Finland (Case of South Karelia)

  • 9
  • 533
  • Pages: 135-147

"We Must and Will Fly Higher, Farther and Faster than Everyone Else": Aviation in Soviet Cinema of the 1920s and 1930s.

  • 7
  • 709
  • Pages: 148-170

Archaeology of Southeast Asia in the Works of Russian Researches: Problems, Projects and Perspectives

  • 19
  • 570
  • Pages: 171-185