Role of the UN in Anti-Trafficking with Children

Society and Politics

The problem of slavery and exploitation of minors, which is characterized by the statistical data of the UN Special Rapporteur, is an international problem. The analysis of the role of the UN, the measures taken by this organization, the nature of the international regulatory framework for solving this problem are the focus of the author's interest. The theoretical significance of the work is reflected in numerous works on this topic, mainly foreign, which indicates the relevance of this problem in other countries. The findings of the study can be implemented in the practice of organizations for the protection of children's rights, to solve the problem of child exploitation and slavery at the national level. The UN Office points out that to date, the percentage of convictions by the organizer of child trafficking remains at a low level, as well as victims who have been exploited and enslaved do not receive proper assistance. The analysis of the role of the UN in the fight against trafficking in children allowed us to discuss some measures that will increase the effectiveness of solving this problem, for example, such as: strengthening existing domestic mechanisms that are aimed at combating trafficking and slavery of children, as well as the need to develop and implement such mechanisms in cases of their absence in individual countries.