Russia in the global world. 2023. Volume 26. No 4
Year: 2023 Volume: 26 Issue: 4
Pages: 203
113 4772

The Iran Nuclear Deal Fallout: Test of the United Nations Security Council Credibility

  • 9
  • 372
  • Pages: 7-25

International Law as a Basis for Conflict Resolution: the Example of Israel and Palestine

  • 12
  • 389
  • Pages: 26-43

Anti-Terrorist Policy of the People's Republic of China in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region – a Reason for International Intervention in the Internal Politics of China?

  • 19
  • 532
  • Pages: 44-63

Securitization of the Subject Field of the Crisis in Dynamics: an Example of Management of the Transboundary Mekong River Basin

  • 8
  • 368
  • Pages: 64-77

The Impact of International Political Events on Political Efficacy: an Empirical Study From the Perspective of the Generation Z

Society and Politics
  • 6
  • 385
  • Pages: 78-87

Politics of the Church and State on the Example of the Christian Democratic Party of Norway: History and Present

Society and Politics
  • 3
  • 339
  • Pages: 88-101

Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Political Journalism on the Example of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's Book “A Fairer World is Possible!”

Society and Politics
  • 3
  • 358
  • Pages: 102-116

Soviet City of the NEP Era as a Leisure Space

States, Nations and Cultures
  • 6
  • 394
  • Pages: 117-135

Russian Chinese Cultural Ties: Challenges and Ways to Overcome Them

Eurasion Integration
  • 15
  • 540
  • Pages: 136-156

Actio in Distans: South American Studies in Russian Archaeology. Part II

History of science and technology
  • 11
  • 362
  • Pages: 157-177

The Effectiveness of the Transition in Russia to the Next Level Telecommunications Standards

History of science and technology
  • 7
  • 353
  • Pages: 178-190

The Review of International Conference «Topical Issues of International Political Geography» (TIPG-2022)

  • 14
  • 380
  • Pages: 191-198