
The article is devoted to research the most innovative oil production methods in the Arctic. The first deposit of hydrocarbons were discovered in Arctic in the area of the river Chubyu in 1930. Even then the researchers faced the problems of extraction and transportation of black gold. Hydrocarbon reserves in the northern regions are colossal, according to the International Energy Agency the oil production in the Arctic amounts 90 billion barrels per year, on the deep shelf it amounts almost twice – 160 billion barrels per year. The need to develop and evaluate new methods of oil production is associated with the price fall of oil on the world market. In the Arctic the cost price of oil is between 40$- 100$ per barrel, what makes oil production in these areas uneconomic. On the deep shelf cost price is even higher about 70$-100$ per barrel. So, the main aim of this research is to descry the innovative ways of oil production, and also the development of alternative proposals aimed on cost of oil reduction.
During this scientific article was carried out a detailed analysis of the situation on the oil field market in the Arctic, which allowed to review and compare the existing and alternative methods of oil production in the Arctic. It was set a task of evaluating mining prospects by applying new developments. The research allowed draw conclusions that all tasks were carried out.
First, it has been identified shortcomings of existing methods of oil production, as well as analysis advanced methods that would reduce the cost of oil production due
to a decrease in transportation costs. The source of cost reduction was the optimization of the process of delivery of oil due the abolition of the logistic unit as a tanker.
Second, the assumption has been proven that innovative oil production methods make it possible not only to improve working conditions, but also increase the level of environmental safety in the study region , this factor is very important because in recent years the environmental safety requirements were tightened.
Thirdly, it is proved that the project is a cost-effective, as it will allow to increase the volume of oil production in difficult climatic conditions.