
The main objective of the national economy is to ensure its competitiveness.
Urgent problem of withdrawal of business on the path of sustainable development is to
improve methods of inter-firm cooperation and the development of methods to
improve the competitiveness of products and services based on core competencies.
In this case, integration processes are of paramount importance. One relatively new
methods of forming dynamic associations of enterprises are clusters. Economic cluster
refers to integratsionnoy dynamic network structure, occupying an intermediate
position between the vertically oriented holding structures and the set of independent
companies. Network organizing principle of the cluster allows for each case to form
the most preferred, the optimal structure of cooperation between the companies, which
can combine the positive features of other economic associations. Currently, the world
economic practice booming cluster formation. However, for the Russian market
economy, this form of organization of cooperation between enterprises is relatively
new, so that special scientific interest is the need to improve methodological
foundations integratsionnyh forming structures. Formation of intersectoral action
requires a new approach to the formation of the cluster structure, as well as the
definition of tools for increasing the efficiency of its formation and functioning on the
basis of deepening specialization processes.