Technical cooperation as domain of strategic interaction between Russia and China at the present stage: realities and prospects


Relations between Russia and China in the field of technical cooperation in the 21st century are in the nature of a strategic partnership. The article offers an analysis of the content, features and political consequences of the joint strategic interaction of both countries in the technical field since 2001 to 2021. The paper is devoted to the study and theoretical analysis of literature published in periodicals, collections, and monographic studies, dissertations of foreign and Russian authors in Russian, English and Chinese. Chinese and Russian researchers emphasize the great importance and significance of joint technical cooperation as one of the most important factors that plays a significant role in strengthening trust, good neighborly, partnership relations between countries. If we turn to English-language sources that analyze the problem of rapprochement between Russia and China in the military-technical field, many authors adhere to the point of view that there is a threat to Europe in the form of a shift in the vector of world domination towards the emerging alliance of the two strongest powers. Particular attention is based on the study of the place and role of Russia and China in the framework of joint technical cooperation. The study revealed the priority of the military aspect as the most important area for the implementation of technical cooperation between countries, which reflects both the economic and political interests of the two great powers and ensures regional security. Aspects and features of conducting joint military exercises since the beginning of the 21st century are highlighted, an assessment of the future development and possible dynamics of relations is proposed. The factors due to which Russia influences the technical and military-strategic potential of the PRC are analyzed. The significance of the study is revealed through the context of global and regional security, which may depend on the policies of countries and the chosen vector of relationships.