
. Due to the growing threat of Islamic fundamentalism and the increasing number of migrants and refugees professing Islam in recent decades, Swedish society is facing a problem of its own security. In this connection, the study of the history of the institutionalization of Muslim communities in Sweden is a priority, since understanding the processes that took place in the past will help to develop an effective policy of integration and adaptation of Muslims. The research uses the method of statistical analysis and content analysis, as well as the comparative historical method. The article examines the economic and social phenomena preceding migration. So the prerequisites for immigration to Sweden were: the great Swedish emigration to America and three waves of globalization. The process of institutionalization took place in several stages. The first stage was weakly expressed. The second stage began in the 1970s, when the first organizations were created in Sweden (the United Islamic Association of 1973 (FIFS)). The third stage began in the mid-1980s, when the first splits began to occur (Svenska Muslimska Förbundet (SMUF) 1982, Islamiska Centerunionen (ICU) 1984) and the number of Muslim associations grew, the organizations of Shiites, Bosniaks, etc. appeared. Today, the fourth stage is underway, which is characterized by the almost completed process of institutionalization. The Mosques, Muslim cemeteries, shops, etc. have been recently opened in the country. The following factors helped the institutionalization process: firstly, the sequence of migration waves, secondly, the assimilation migration policy, and thirdly, the system of financing religious organizations, the essence of which was the benefit of creating many local cultural organizations. The Muslim associations have also entered into a political struggle, which leads to creatieng parties and lobbying the interests of a cultural minority. The Muslims are the full members of society with their own institutions. In this connection, the process of archaization is observed in the society — this is a multifaceted process that cannot be talked about from a binary position. This social interaction creates a different sociocultural space in Sweden.