
In the scientific message, with particular attention to the Northern territories of the USSR as the periphery of the Arctic. Describes the process of settlement of coastal regions, including such contingents of the population as special settlers, deportees. Shown their contribution in the 1940s – early 1950-ies in the development of the economic potential of the regions, various sectors of the economy, the solution to the food base of the country, creation of life conditions; disclosed forms and methods of work with the contingent of special settlers. Of course, based on the specifics of the region, special attention was paid to the status of major industry (Norilsk), as well as the fishing industry of the national economy. These tasks are subordinate to the overall implementation of the food programme of the state.
In many ways, the contingent of special settlers made up the main labour force. Especially popular was their work in the North, in logging with a further supply of timber for the needs of the national economy, army and solving the problem of
provision the population with fuel. Of course, that the established authorities of the regime, its maintenance was solved primarily punitive organs (NKVD, the Prosecutor's office, etc.), resettlement agencies, and worked on the defense of the country. It's all determined, and the appropriate normative-legal base of the organization of living conditions.
Despite the forced nature of the labor, the settlers were enthusiastic, ahead of labour standards. Were known to many of them names. Everyday overcoming great difficulties, they organized schools for teaching children, cared for their families. The labor of the special settlers, deportees in the rear, and deserves attention and appreciation.