
The article is devoted to the human resources analysis of the Russian Federation territories that partially or fully belongs to the Far North region. Recently there has been an outflow of population, and so an outflow of the human resources from the northern regions of Russia. That’s why there is a necessity to analyze the
human resources to establish possible causes of migration loss. The article describes the impact of various factors on the human resources. These various factors include region's infrastructure, localized population, low population density, harsh climate and other features of the northern territories of Russia. The main governmental activities on leveling of negative influence of the region’s features on the human resources of the Russian Federation territorial subjects are analyzed. Three indicators characterizing the labor market have been chose. They are the average nominal monthly wage of employees, the level of unemployment and the level of population economic activity. A strong regional differentiation has been revealed. The regions with the best value of indicators have been distinguished. The indicators reflect the most favorable situation on the labor market and great regional authorities’ attention to human resources. These regions became Chukotskii Autonomous District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Nenets Autonomous District and Magadan region. Lagging regions are also identified: the Republic of Tuva, Altai Republic. The obtained data are compared with the average for Russia. The basic problems of the Far North regions’ labor market have been identified. They are: the labor market narrowness of single-industry towns, high unemployment rate in some regions and natural resources focused production.