
The article is devoted to the analysis the normative-legal acts of the Soviet period and modern times in the area of safety regulation in the Arctic zone. The causes and increased hazards for flights carried out over the Arctic, the complexity of piloting, and also considered the requirements of normative-legal acts to flights over the territory. The paper presents comparative characteristics of modern norms and standards of the Soviet period in the area of safety of the Arctic area. It was found that the regulations of the USSR regulated the issues of the flight over the Arctic space in sufficient detail, and the procedure for crew actions in case of an emergency, they have been designed to ensure maximum safety of crew members aircraft operating such flights. In the modern Russian legislation there is a tendency to adopt normative legal acts mainly programmatic in comparison with the Soviet period the legislator increasingly avoids detailed regulation of social relations, in a limited statement of the principles of law, the general rules. This also applies to legal relations in the field of safety of flights over the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Talking about the improvement of modern legislation in comparison with the Soviet period is problematic. Some norms reproduced word for word, the other part - greatly reduced. Among the main problems in the field of safety of flights over the Arctic space are the following: the lack of aircraft of small capacity; the lack of a sufficient number of runways; the lack of qualified personnel. Their solution requires the improvement of legislation, development of specific legal norms, taking into account the peculiarities of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.