Conditions and Reasons for the Success of European Right-Wing Populist Movements on the Case of the Political Party «Finns Party»

Society and Politics

One of the most prominent political changes in Europe at the present stage is the successful development of far-right parties, which actively uses populist rhetoric in their politics. The relevance of the study is determined by the increasing influence of such parties in the European political space. This process has a significant impact on the policies of individual states, and the study of its causes helps to better understand the specifics of the current state of affairs in the European political sphere. Thus, by tracing in detail the success of a particular political party, it is possible to identify the peculiarities for the course of the pan-European process of a “right-wing turn” in a particular state. The Finnish political party “Finns party”, which is the subject of this study, is one of the typical examples of the modern right-wing movement. At this moment “Finns Party” is one of the most influential actors in Finnish politics, as it possesses real political power. The purpose of this study is the analysis of conditions and causes that led to the successful development of the “True Finns” political party in the context of the European “right-wing turn”. The achievement of this aim came through the use of methods of analysis and induction. The program documents of the «Finns party» and statements of its political leaders were studied. Also, for a comprehensive study of the political phenomenon of the “right-wing turn”, the historical method was used. As a result, the study revealed the conditions and reasons led to the rise of European right-wing populist movements. The study also analyzed the topics that held key positions in the ideology and rhetoric of the “True Finns” party. Furthermore, the study researched the actions the “True Finns” party proposed to solve the relevant social and political issues in Finland. Moreover, the study investigated, which aspects had the most influence for the electorate of the right-wing political movements in Finland.