The Interests of the South Asian Strategic Triangle India – Pakistan – China in the Kashmir Conflict


The Kashmiri conflict touches upon many aspects, such as the struggle for control of the territory, active military action, the use of nuclear weapons, as well as religious differences and the economic and ecological interests of the parties. The study is aimed at analyzing the national interests of India, Pakistan and China in Kashmir. The conflict between India and Pakistan today involves many aspects, such as: struggle for control over this territory, active military actions, use of nuclear weapons, as well as religious differences. The People's Republic of China, in turn, claims ownership of Kashmir's resources, seeks ways to realize its political and economic interests in South Asia, and takes part in the competition for influence in the region. The study focuses on the main directions of interests in the India-Pakistan-China triangle. The analysis of domestic and foreign sources and literature has shown that this conflict is widely discussed in the scientific community, but a consolidated comprehensive picture of the situation has not been formed. The research used a number of methods consisting of classification, comparative analysis, description and logical-intuitive analysis. The study identifies the territorial, geostrategic, military and economic ambitions of each country, and examined the relationship between the parties, their differences and priorities regarding national security, the use of nuclear weapons and regional stability. In addition, the authors establish new patterns of rivalry between India, Pakistan and China defined by contemporary geopolitical processes, describe the religious contradictions of the parties, and examine the individual ways of realizing state interests in different directions and the current stage of conflict in the territory. In addition, the main political, economic and military directions of each state's interests are identified, namely the desire of each side to establish control over the territory and gain access to natural resources, as well as the defense of its borders. The significance of this study is to provide a list of areas of interests of the countries of the South Asian strategic triangle, which will allow to assess and improve the effectiveness of ways to resolve the Kashmir conflict in order to prevent the potential threat of a new world war.