Integration of Bosnian Refugees in Sweden

Society and Politics

The migration policy of the Kingdom of Sweden is aimed at maximizing the integration of newcomers into their society. An example of the successful implementation of the Swedish migration policy is the integration of Bosnians, who fled their country in large numbers due to the armed conflict in Yugoslavia. This paper proves that the steps taken by the Swedish government led to a comprehensive infusion of newcomers into all areas of society. Moving from a policy of temporary admission of Bosnians to a policy of their active integration into the life of Swedish society, the government of the kingdom took a number of measures: the quota for accepting refugees from Yugoslavia was increased, the labor market became available for them, and equal rights and opportunities were provided with the indigenous population. Adaptive measures included the rapid retraining of Bosnians to the standards of Swedish education, support for the new Muslim religion for the country, and the creation of public organizations that control the processes of adaptation and integration of migrants. At the same time, it was found that some mistakes were made in the migration policy of Sweden at that time. Thus, the uncontrolled resettlement of refugees was carried out without considering the needs of local labor markets, some regions of the country were overpopulated by migrants, which affected the unemployment rate. Despite this, the majority of Bosnian refugees successfully adapted and became full members of Swedish society, which is a consequence of giving them the opportunity to choose their own degree of integration in Sweden and innovative integration mechanisms for that time. Based on these results, it was concluded that Sweden's experience in the integration of Bosnian refugees can be considered successful and requires further study.