Development of Russian-Iranian Relations: Current Status and Prospects


This article examines the problem and prospects of relations between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran within the framework of Russia's emerging new position on the world stage science 2022. The relevance is due to the fact that in conditions when Russia finds itself in economic isolation from European and North American countries, the need to increase economic cooperation with Asian powers becomes obvious. One of those countries that can increase contacts in the Russian Federation is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which makes it necessary to analyze the potential of interaction between the two powers. The purpose of this investigation is to identify the potential for economic, political, scientific and technical cooperation, as well as ways and prospects for its development. In the course of the study, the method of factor analysis, historical retrospective analysis was used and special emphasis was placed on the analysis of joint work on projects in various fields of management: military industry, railways, joint trade corridors. The scientific novelty of this study is due to the attempt made to give a comprehensive idea of modern Russian–Iranian relations, which are experiencing a period of recovery as a result of the new emerging world order. The scientific significance of the work is determined by the fact that the data and conclusions available in this article can be used to form an adequate idea of the essence of modern Russian–Iranian relations and predict the development of these relations in the future. Considering various sectors of the economies of the two countries, the potential for activating and increasing cooperation between the two states is analyzed. Considering the modern nature of bilateral relations, forecasts are formulated regarding the potential of future cooperation. Forecasts of the development of relations are formed from the calculation of various scenarios and time periods.