
Otto Sverdrup (1854–1930) was a famous Norwegian polar captain. He took part in many polar sails and was a very experienced investigator. Sverdrup collaborated in polar investigations with his friend Fridtjof Nansen. In 1888–1889 he went on skies over the glacier of Greenland with Fr. Nansen. O. Sverdrup was the captain on the polar ship ”Fram” two times. 1) 1893–1896 in the Arctic ocean as the captain. The leader of the expedition was Fr. Nansen. 2) 1898–1902 Sverdrup was on the board as captain and leader of the expedition. The aim was to investigate the unknown part of Canadian archipelago in central part of the Arctic. For his valuable contribution to polar sciences O. Sverdrup was decorated with Norwegian Cross of Saint-Olaf.
In the beginning of the XX-th century Sverdrup tried to find the Russian expeditions, helped two Russian hydrographical ships and was the captain on the soviet ice-breaker ”Lenin”.