
In article the questions devoted operation of the Fire charter of the Russian Empire in the territory of Far North are considered. Geopolitics and geoeconomy of the Russian Federation, at the present stage of the development, is directed to expansion of resource base of the Arctic zone, preservation of environment, and support of fighting capacity of groups of armed forces of the Russian Federation in the region. For normal functioning of life support on Far North the important place is taken by questions of ensuring fire safety. The minister of Emercom of Russia V. A. Puchkov in the performance has noted on October 30, 2012 that safety in the Arctic region (in the territory of Far North) is one of priority activities and development of Emercom of Russia till 2030. Professor Malko A.V. has noted that Development of the Arctic in the 21st century - the priority direction of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Russia is faced today by essentially important task - to return itself the leading role in development of Far North that demands carrying out special legal policy. The Main problems of realization of standards of the Fire charter in the conditions of Far North are revealed: 1. Impossibility of observance of the general requirements of fire safety in courts and shipyards of the region (it is necessary to publish the requirement of fire safety for territories of Far North taking into account geographical and economic and social situation). 2. Question of availability to fire extinguishing of the most fire-dangerous objects (remoteness of settlements and low-density of population, thereby shortage of divisions of fire protection. Formation of special divisions is necessary for the territory of Far North). 3. Contradictions in a control system of bodies of fire protection (need for systemacity and a certain hierarchy of submission).