
Modern geographic information systems (GIS) are becoming the object and subject of serious study by scientists of different disciplines from natural science to applied Sciences. Currently, the leading producers of software and mobile devices are developing special tools in addition to the basic GIS to build their own systems for different purposes. Under diffuse GIS refers to a system which includes integrated tools and artificial intelligence systems. Multilateral relations between the Arctic countries are developing it is difficult, however, not attendant circumstances thanks the relative stability of the international situation. The Arctic Council gets new features, although not the authority to make decisions. Relations between the two countries in this structure are generally of a constructive nature. Due to the interaction between its member States and a General improvement in the international climate regarding the growing importance of non-governmental organizations in the Arctic Council. The region is gradually approaching the start of the development of Arctic resources. The potential profitability of potential projects begins to significantly increase, the needs of the world economy in the hydrocarbons grow significantly. The level of understanding of the countries in the Arctic begins a favorable impact on the overall level of international relations. The negative scenario assumes that in the medium term international relations in the Arctic will be under the negative influence of the General situation in the world and the situation in the region. The situation in the world community develops severe. Countries fighting for supremacy in the Arctic region, are increasingly used in understanding modern methods of confrontation – confrontation the term "hybrid war".