
The advantage compared to Europe, South American countries, is in the fact that they are fairly easy to control the flow of refugees to her. Due to all of the same distance South America to theaters of hostilities in the Middle East. Syrian refugees flood her, breakthroughs of external borders and internal perimeters of human avalanche, as it happens with Europe, in this case not expect much do not have to, it is simply impossible. And as with the birth of South Americans have no problems, they are a relatively small number does not threaten the identity of the population of Venezuela, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. In contrast to these countries, Germany, Austria, France and Italy, visiting migrants from the Middle East are becoming increasingly visible numerically on a background of the indigenous population.
Overall, in Latin America and is home to some generalized 5.256 million Muslims, accounting for only 0.6% of the population of this part of the world, and 0.3% of the total Muslim population in the world